Thursday, February 19, 2009

I have just discovered Pretty fascinating stuff. I have been uploading audio on some of these talks to my iPhone to listen as I go for walks. Some of the stuff is best with the visual, but this talk by Elizabeth Gilbert is a keeper. I don't have time to look through all the stuff on Ted, but I will come here occasionally. If any of you find some interesting spots, let us know in the comments section.

It also makes me wonder--if I had to give an 18 minute talk for Ted, what would I say?


kj said...

ole! Allah!
That was awesome. What a refreshing perspective. Not new, as she stated, but refreshing. A good encouragement to put creative genius in a healthier light.

I'm hoping no one has asked you to swallow the sun lately.....

Unknown said...

too weird. I just finished her book The Last American Man. Didn't like her Eat Pray Love book, but loved LAM book. What a guy! TED is endless.